Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement governs the processing of personal data by the World Federation for Animals,  with registered office United States of America, MA 02130 Boston, 25 Chestnut Square, registered under the number 04-3431930, e-mail, website, hereinafter referred to as ‘WFA’. 

Unless otherwise stated, WFA is the controller of the personal data which it collects and to which this Privacy Statement applies. Furthermore, this Privacy Statement also applies to all websites managed by the WFA. 

In accordance with Article 27 of the GDPR, the controller shall appoint a representative. The representative is James Yeates

This Privacy Statement frames in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation of 24  May 2016 with regard to the protection of privacy in the processing of personal data, and the Law of 30  July 2018 concerning the protection of natural persons concerning the processing of personal data,  and explains what personal data WFA collects and how it uses it. Please read this Privacy Statement carefully, as it contains essential information about how your personal data is processed. 

WFA does its utmost to respect your privacy and your rights to control your personal data and to know how those data are processed. 

1. Personal data

As a data controller, WFA processes data that you voluntarily provide when requesting information,  browsing the website, making a request via the website or social media, making donations, attending an event, volunteering, in the context of cooperation or in the context membership(activities) or data that is necessary for the execution of the services and activities provided by WFA. 

More specifically, WFA can process the following personal data, among others: first name, last name,  date of birth, nationality, e-mail address, address, phone number, payment information, and account details. 

In addition, WFA automatically collects data on the use, access to or interaction with its website using cookies (such as Google Analytics) and similar technologies in order – among other things – to monitor the functioning of the website, or to detect fraud or security breaches, using IP addresses and browser data.  

Finally, WFA can receive information about you from other sources, including third parties, such as partners with which whom it jointly provides services and activities or executes marketing activities.  WFA may also receive information about you from social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter/X, and Facebook (META) when you communicate with it on those platforms. WFA protects the data that it receives from third parties in the same way as described in this Privacy Statement. 

2. Security and storage

WFA takes the processing of your personal data very seriously and tries to provide the necessary technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data and help prevent theft, misuse, and unauthorized access to or transmission, modification, deletion and destruction of your data. 

The WFA website uses Transport Layer Security, the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private. 

WFA regularly checks its systems for possible security risks and attacks. However, it cannot guarantee the security of the data collected. In case of an infringement, it will deal with the issue quickly and thoroughly and the parties involved will be informed. However, WFA cannot be held liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damage or loss of profits caused by the incorrect or unlawful use of personal data by a third party. 

Some data is stored and processed by external service providers outside of the European Union. If the data is held by external service providers, with servers outside the European Union, WFA assumes that an equivalent level of protection to that in the European Union is applied to the processing of this data.  

3. Access and transfer to third parties

To process your personal data, WFA grants access to its employees, appointees, suppliers,  subcontractors, partners, and agents.  

The personal data you provide will not be sold to or shared with third parties, except in the framework of the execution of the agreement, the execution of donations, the services and activities provided by  WFA and/or regarding external suppliers, including practical tools, co-organisers of events or other subcontractors, who perform services for or with WFA such as providing workshops, campaigns and events, processing of billing or payment data, processing of donation data, website management and hosting, time registration, e-mail communication, and overall administration. 

The WFA may process your personal information in countries outside the European Union. In addition,  the WFA may also transfer personal data to a country outside the European Union provided that such country guarantees an adequate level of protection and satisfies the other obligations applicable to it pursuant to this Privacy Policy. This adequate level of protection can be guaranteed by various mechanisms, including binding corporate rules (BCR) as referred to in Article 47 of the GDPR. 

Finally, and only to the extent that this is required by law or strictly necessary for the performance of the services or the protection of the rights of WFA, the rights of third parties or those of its members and partner organisations, WFA will provide your personal data to law enforcement agencies, research organisations, its affiliates or in court proceedings, including (judicial) reorganisation, bankruptcy or transfer. If necessary and insofar as possible, WFA will always try to inform you in advance of a potential transfer. 

4. Cookies

By using the website of WFA, cookies can be placed on the hard drive of your device.

As a user of the website, you will be asked to give your consent for the loading of certain cookies. This can be done via a bar at the bottom of the website, with reference to the Cookie Policy of WFA for more information. Further surfing of the website will not be prevented, but in case of refusal, only functional cookies can be placed. 

The website of WFA also uses marketing or advertising plug-ins like META, Twitter/X, Microsoft and  Google Analytics. By placing these plug-ins, your personal data can be collected and transmitted to these third parties. In accordance with Article 26 of the General Data Protection Regulation of 24 May  2016, concerning the protection of privacy in the processing of personal data and the Law, WFA is the data controller together with these third parties (“Joint Controller”). For the rights and obligations of each data controller, WFA refers to the respective privacy statements of these platforms. 

For more information about the cookies used, WFA refers to her Cookie Policy, available at

5. Processing purposes

a) Membership, Personnel management, Board management, Supplier management, event  management and Donations 

The personal data collected by WFA in its capacity as the data controller is used to provide services and activities, manage or process your request or demand for information or in the context of a contract,  a partnership, a membership, a donation (including but not limited to execution, donation, organisation of an event, invoicing,  payment…). 

Other personal data is processed for its membership management, employee management, supplier management, management of donations and donors, administration of employees (including recruitment) and the board members.

b) Direct marketing, social media, and the monthly Newsletter and Weekly Digest 

The personal data is also used for WFA’s Newsletter, to inform you about the developments that affect animals or policies governing the use of animals across sectors. Besides the Newsletter, there is the Weekly Digest to inform you about upcoming events, new projects and relevant news with policy implications for animal welfare. WFA can also use the data to inform and contact you regarding marketing and advertisements. Depending on the type of communication, it may contact you by email, phone, letter and/or its social media channels.  

c) Press list 

The personal data is also used to create lists with records of journalists and the press.  

d) Website (widgets) and cookies 

Moreover, your personal data is also used to guarantee your access to the website and to ensure the correct functionality of the website by having the possibility to inform you about updates, new functionalities, etc. 

e) Security, dispute resolution and compliance legislation 

Finally, WFA wants to offer the necessary security and safety and the data can also be used in the context of settling disputes, fraud detection, legal purposes, and to comply with the applicable legislation. 

The personal data collected is processed based on Article 6.1.a (consent), Article 6.1.b (necessary for the performance of a contract), Article 6.1.c (necessary to comply with legal obligation incumbent on the controller) and Article 6.1.f (legitimate interests) of the General Data Protection Regulation.  

Taking into account the processing purposes as described above, the processing of personal data for  the purpose of: 

▪ Membership, Personnel management, Board management, Supplier management, event management and Donations take place pursuant to Article 6.1.b GDPR (necessary for the performance of the contract) and under Article 6.1.f (legitimate interests). You are not obliged to transfer to WFA the personal data necessary for the performance of the contract. However,  keep in mind that in the absence of this, WFA will potentially not be in the ability to perform certain services or fulfil certain agreements. 

▪ Direct marketing, social media and the monthly Newsletter and Weekly Digest take place pursuant to article 6.1. a GDPR (consent) and pursuant to article 6.1.f (legitimate interests). If you give your consent, you are free to withdraw your consent at any time.  

▪ Press list takes place pursuant to article 6.1.a GDPR (consent) 

▪ Website (widgets) and cookies take place pursuant to article 6.1.a GDPR (consent). Functional cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the website and cannot be refused. The other cookies will only be placed if you have actively given your consent for such cookies to be placed. Also as far as website widgets are concerned, such as META (Facebook), Microsoft  (LinkedIn), and Twitter/X, among others, your personal data, in particular the information generated by the cookies on the use of the website, will only be collected and forwarded to these third parties to the extent you have actively given your consent for it. You can give your consent by checking the check box in the bar at the bottom or the top of the website. If you give your consent, you are free to withdraw your consent at any time.  

▪ Security, dispute resolution and compliance legislation take place pursuant to article 6.1.c  GDPR (necessary to comply with legal obligation imposed on the data controller) and pursuant to article 6.1.f (legitimate interests) to exercise a right of defence. 

If your data is processed based on consent, this Privacy Statement and the opt-in system ensure that you can give your consent freely, explicitly, unambiguously, actively, and in an informed manner. 

7. Data storage period

The personal data processed by WFA in its capacity as data controller will be stored for as long as necessary for the realization of the purposes for which the data are collected and to, among other things, comply with legal and accounting requirements.  

The processed data of employees, board members, volunteers, and in case of events, will be stored for a maximum period of 10 years.  

Concerning processed data of members and donors, these will be stored for a maximum period of  1 year. Also, data processed for the purpose of supplier management will be stored for 1 year.  The data processed for the purpose of direct marketing (Newsletter and Digits) or obtained through the website, social media, and cookies, will be stored by WFA for a maximum period of 1 year. The data processed for the purpose of the press list will be stored for a maximum period of 2 years.  

After these periods, WFA will irrevocably delete the data.

8. Rights and complaints of the data subject

As a data subject, you are entitled at all times to check the personal data processed by WFA in its capacity as data controller and you can correct them (or have them corrected) if they are incorrect or incomplete, have the data transferred, have their processing limited or have them removed (in certain circumstances). Furthermore, you also have the right to object, free of charge, any processing of personal data for the purpose of direct marketing. 

WFA does not use data that has been processed exclusively in an automated manner (such as profiling). 

Since the processing of personal data also takes place pursuant to Article 6.1.a GDPR (consent) you always have the right to withdraw the consent given. Keep in mind, however, that you will no longer receive relevant information if you do not give consent to process certain personal data or that WFA  won’t be able to fulfil all her services. 

You can also withdraw your consent for promotional mail and marketing sent to you by e-mail using the link at the bottom of each of the e-mails that you receive. 

You can exercise the aforementioned rights by notifying WFA by e-mail to You can also use this e-mail address if you have any further questions or complaints. 

In case WFA is not able to meet your request, you can file an official complaint with the Data Protection  Authority: Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel, Tel +32 (0)2 274 48 00, Fax +32 (0)2 274 48 35, email: 

9. Modification of Privacy Statement

If necessary, WFA may amend or update this Privacy Statement to reflect changes on the website or in its method of operation. If there are material changes to the way WFA uses or processes your personal data, it will notify you by posting a notice of the changes before they come into effect or by sending you a notification directly. WFA encourages you to re-read this statement regularly for more information on how WFA uses and protects your information.  

10. Contact

For further information, questions or comments regarding this Privacy Statement or Privacy Policy of  WFA, please contact us at  

Boston, November 2023

Five female ducks swimming away from the camera in a small pond
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