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Key Takeaways from WOAH’s 91st General Session

Once a year, the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) hosts its World Assembly of ...
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Six Fish Farm Cages Float On The Ocean, Covered With Netting To Prevent Birds From Eating The Fish Inside. Sea Bass Populate Some Of The Cages, While Others Sit Empty But Are Soon To Be Filled With Salmon. Trabzon, Trabzon Province, Black Sea Region, Turkiye, 2023. Havva Zorlu / We Animals Media

Animal welfare: key recommendation for addressing AMR at the UN General Assembly

The indiscriminate use of antibiotics and other antimicrobials to mask the predictable emergence of infectious ...
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A Light Coloured Mink Kit Looks Up Inside A Bare Wire Cage On A Fur Farm. Mink Have Similar Receptors In Their Upper Respiratory Tract To Humans And Birds, Making Them A Very Suitable Intermediary Host Species For Many Viruses. Narpio, Finland, 2023. Oikeutta Elaimille / We Animals Media

Extension in pandemic agreement talks: A last push for global health and animal welfare

In the last two weeks of March, the International Negotiation Body (INB) tasked with forging ...
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UNEA-6 Resolutions: What they mean for animals

On March 1, 2024, the UN Environment Assembly at its sixth session (UNEA-6) adopted 15 ...
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World Federation for Animals highlights missed opportunities at UNEA-6

The World Federation for Animals (WFA), a coalition representing 53 non-governmental organisations globally, commends the ...
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Shaping a sustainable future: New recommendations for global biodiversity and animal welfare

In a collaborative effort with the chair of WFA’s Biodiversity Working Group, Born Free Foundation, ...
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Joint Statement on the COP28 UAE Declaration on Climate and Health

We, the undersigned organizations, welcome the endorsement of more than 120 countries to the COP28 ...
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A Large Group Of Carp Splash At The Water's Surface As They Feed And Fight For Food Pellets Inside A Floating Cage. The Animals Are Being Raised For Food At An Indonesian Fish Farm Located On A Freshwater Reservoir.

The nexus between animal welfare & AMR

In celebration of World AMR Awareness Week (18-24 Nov. 2023), we are sharing an excerpt ...
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WFA spearheads global initiative for animal welfare and antimicrobial resistance nexus

The World Federation for Animals (WFA) recently proposed establishing the Animal Welfare-Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Nexus ...
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Lucia Macedo 4gyyf1itdhi Unsplash

Paving the way at the UN for a One Health Approach to the Pandemic Treaty

By Nelson Dordelly Rosales, Advocacy & International Relations Specialist (FOUR PAWS) During its 78th session, ...
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Wild Zebras And An Elephant In Kenya.

Forging ahead: Africa’s proactive stance on environmental protection

Over the past month, I’ve had the privilege of representing WFA at two pivotal African ...
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The recognition of animal welfare across international policy

The last couple of months have brought some encouraging signs. We appear to be seeing ...
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