Science, empathy, and a little less selfishness
In its 2020 report on Harmony with Nature, the UN Secretary-General stated that a “first ...

Taking forward the Animal Welfare Nexus resolution
February 2022 was historic. It was a challenging but ultimately successful process through the preparatory ...

Call for UNEP to promote dietary shifts to curb environmental destruction and prevent the next pandemic
Together with 154 other NGOs, the World Federation for Animals co-signed ProVeg’s joint letter to ...

UNEA 5.2 – Strengthening action for nature and animal welfare
At this year’s UN Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.2), several G77 countries are sponsoring a Resolution ...

COP26: Meat on the menu, but not on the Agenda
In the words of COP26 President, Alok Sharma, “we still have a mountain to climb”.

The case for an international day to recognise animals
The United Nations designates specific days, weeks, years and decades as occasions to mark particular ...

Creating a Global Biodiversity Framework plan that works: Where we are and where we’re going
In August 2021, the next step in negotiations for a pivotal UN agreement began. The ...
Why include animal welfare in the 2022 declaration?
Animal welfare is still missing at the UN and particularly in its Agenda for the ...
Two-step guide for protecting animal welfare in the UN Biodiversity Convention
Why and how the United Nations should include animal welfare in the post-2020 Global Biodiversity ...