Liz Harrell Yvn5ubramam Unsplash


The water crisis: Examining industrial animal agriculture’s role in water pollution

As the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development convenes, one of the key areas ...
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Kedar Gadge X9cbhepo6lu Unsplash


Animal welfare is an opportunity to tackle & cope with climate change

Human-caused climate change is leading to unprecedented global crises that threaten sustainable development, impacting poverty ...
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John Royle Niyqowe5ade Unsplash


Animal welfare is an opportunity to protect biodiversity

In celebration of International Day for Biological Diversity, we are sharing an excerpt from our ...
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Jason Leung Avbfng1r9fg Unsplash


Antibiotic overuse in livestock production: A global threat to public health

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a growing threat to public health. It refers to the ability ...
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Vincent Van Zalinge Vunqattzeoo Unsplash


The animal welfare Nexus resolution – Current state of play

On 14 December 2022, the United Nations General Assembly adopted two resolutions that recall and ...
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Ian Parker Tlcldigmtke Unsplash


What the new Global Biodiversity Framework must do for animals, people, and nature

In its preamble, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) recognises the need to conserve biodiversity ...
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Stefanie Poepken 9tszeu5zslq Unsplash


Animal laws legally challenged: the beginning of a breakthrough?

  A major legal challenge over an animal protection law in the United States Supreme ...
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Pexels Pixabay 247431 (1)


Animal Welfare: A must in the climate negotiations

The climate crisis causes unprecedented heat, floods, and droughts – something almost everyone has experienced ...
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Erik Karits 5fbky0c16nm Unsplash (2)


Two issues the new pandemic treaty cannot miss

For the past 2.5 years, COVID-19 has disrupted the lives of virtually every country, community, ...
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Niclas Dehmel Qgqe9y9v2qi Unsplash


A simple idea that can change the world for animals

Alongside 183 Members of the European Parliament and over 180,000 citizens, WFA and more than ...
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Keith Luke Dke9ggzs8ek Unsplash


International trade law: beyond an obstacle to animal protection

 International trade law is often depicted as an obstacle to animal protection. This is because ...
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Antonio Grosz Vf5i44ervf0 Unsplash


UNFCCC COP27: Conference of Words or Action?

The 27th UN Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP27) will take place from 7 to ...
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Five lions on the savannah
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