UNEA 5.2 – Strengthening action for nature and animal welfare
At this year’s UN Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.2), several G77 countries are sponsoring a Resolution ...

The case for an international day to recognise animals
The United Nations designates specific days, weeks, years and decades as occasions to mark particular ...
Why include animal welfare in the 2022 declaration?
Animal welfare is still missing at the UN and particularly in its Agenda for the ...

How animals are harmed by armed conflicts and military activities
When the impact of armed conflicts on animals is considered, this is commonly subsumed by ...
Eurogroup for Animals podcast episode: Launch of the World Federation for Animals
Originally published 11 February 2021 by Eurogroup for Animals, News – Reprinted with permission The World Federation ...

Launching an ‘Animals’ Manifesto’ for World Animal Day
World Animal Net has brought together animal protection and environmental NGOs from across the ...

World Horse Welfare: 2016 and ongoing case study
World Horse Welfare works in remote villages in Nepal, where horses, donkeys and mules are the only method of transport and are integral to communities. During the brick kiln season, owners use their horses to transport bricks to earn a living, and the illness or loss of the horse has a devastating impact on their families. World Horse Welfare’s project works with owners to improve their knowledge of horse care. Using a One Welfare approach, the charity also helps women earn an income by growing mushrooms to allow their horse a day of rest, and so better protect its health.

My lucky day! And for the animals!
It is always very fortunate if you can be part of making history. If you ...

The top reasons to promote advocacy for animals at UNEA 5.1
About UNEA 5 The United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) is the world’s highest-level decision-making body on the ...